Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Our Great British Holiday..

We have just got back from a "random holiday" booked at the last minute by myself, also known as a two night stay in a cheap caravan in Weymouth. These summer holidays have been dragging, with both boys fighting, so it was worth the £80 to save my sanity (and yes I am now one of "those" mum's who moan about spending six whole weeks with my two boys.. it's too bloody hard!).

Now, I do feel a bit sorry for my boys as we have zero funds to ever go abroad and, unless we win the lottery, it's just not going to happen in the future. Those who say "it's cheaper to go abroad" are talking rubbish. Find me a holiday for under £700 for four of us for a week (in school hols) and I will change my mind.

So we packed up the car, packed the food (to save money) and loaded in Billy (the pup) who, by the way, has now developed car sickness so can no longer travel in the boot. A crazy pup attached to a seat belt is an experience. For those who have seen "Marley and Me" that was us!

After a a few hours stuck in traffic with many "are we nearly there"'s we finally got to our destination. "The Willerby" caravan. It wasn't a posh caravan and I thought my husband was going to cry as it was so quiet, but the views were amazing and the caravan was spotless. I also got a little excited when I realised they had all the "mod cons" like a tin opener, microwave and tea towel. I'm so easily pleased! 
The boys, and the pup, were really excited when we got there. We had our own garden so they immediately got the football out and started playing. I sat on the bench looking at the views and my husband kept saying "god it's quiet". My husband is more used to the arcade caravan site holidays which we have been doing for the last few years. Again the kids love that type of holiday but in all honesty I'm so sick of arcades so wanted a bit more of a balance this year.

I must admit, my heart sank a little when we arrived, as it wasn't exactly luxury, but then I thought back to my childhood. The only holidays we ever had were caravan holidays and they really were basic. The toilets were in the shower block and the table used to change into a bed. But you know what? those holidays were the best holidays. I remember playing board games in the caravan, with the rain pouring down outside making that tapping noise, I remember the days on the beach building sandcastles, digging a hole and putting the towel over it so my dad fell down it, I remember running round the beach with our dog, I remember playing outside the caravan on the farm, skipping and jumping.. these were all simple but good memories.

Over the next couple of days we played bat and ball in garden,    made an assault course, chased after Billy constantly for trying to dig up the garden, went to the Beach, went to the arcades (once) and ate ice cream on the pier. The boys learnt how to play draughts in the caravan and we played snap. There was a TV so they also watched abit of that (I didn't have that luxury in my day!).

Overall the kids had a great time. It was simple, not at all expensive,but was still a little adventure for them. Maybe I feel this way as I have no other option but to have these type of holidays, but are many kids missing out on these experiences? For myself, it's made me appreciate the smaller more basic things in life. Unless you really experience basic you will never truly appreciate luxury and that's one lesson I strive to teach my boys...

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