Monday 13 April 2015

Facebook Lies!

The boys have been up for an hour and I am determined to get them out of the house. I always wanted to be one of those mums who had children rolling around in mud getting back to nature. Yeah that failed when Ollie arrived. He hates going out unless its with people he knows, he hates strangers. Harrison used to like going out but even he wants to stay in. I HATE STAYING IN!!!! don't get me wrong its free so that's one bonus but I HATE STAYING IN!

See this picture...Looks like two boys having fun playing football on a beautiful day doesn't it? What you don't see is that we lasted about 30 minutes as Harrison had an epic meltdown as I brought the wrong drink with us. I tried to calm him down using all those "gentle methods". I acknowledged his feelings, I tried turning it into a positive "oo we can have a lovely drink when we get home" rather than "please stop going on about that drink when you have a perfectly good one here". It didn't work, I gave up and we left. Another failed attempt at having a fun day out.

This just goes to show that facebook lies! We all know it yet we still get that feeling of failure when you see those happy smiley children eating fruit running in the field full of flowers. Actually those children wouldn't be running with fruit, they would be sitting at the table perfectly, eating their fruit! Harrison used to eat fruit, I too plastered facebook with my baby led weaning pictures of him covered in banana. Will he eat fruit now? Will he f@ck! Another parenting failure and that will be explained in another blog at a later date....

So basically, facebook DOES lie, lets not fall into the trap of thinking everyone's lives are perfect. We don't see what is behind those pictures and what effort the mum has gone to to make them all look like they are having a fabulous time. So many mums bribe their kids these days, lets not forget that....


  1. Hah! Somebody said it out loud! We all know this, and yet we pretend otherwise, and still let ourselves feel less-than when we see other peoples' pictures of perfect crafts and baking and clean, contented children doing carefully-prepared activities in their spotless playrooms... "May your life one day be as good as Facebook makes it look."

  2. tryingtobegentle!14 April 2015 at 22:35

    Couldn't agree more! Facebook certainly lies and don't forget parents will only post the best most loveliest pictures of their little ones... the ones that make them look like great parents.
